RT by @element_hq: Just Posted: ‘This is the Rebellion Uprising’ @element_hq CEO reveals plans to disrupt comms space and building open source alternatives to #MSTeams, #Slack, and #Zoom #ucoms #ucnews #collaboration #microsoftteams
#^RT by @element_hq: Just Posted: ‘This is the Rebellion Uprising’ @element_hq CEO reveals plans to disrupt comms space and building open source alternatives to #MSTeams, #Slack, and #Zoom #ucoms #ucnews #collaboration #microsoftteamsJust Posted: ‘This is the Rebellion Uprising’
@element_hq CEO reveals plans to disrupt comms space and building open source alternatives to
#Slack, and
#Zoomuctoday.com/collaboration/th…#ucoms #ucnews #collaboration #microsoftteams